Back to Roots


Design, especially in healthcare has always been steril. For a service that takes care of people, you’re often greeted with teal documents and bleak walls void of all soul.
Our illustrated overhaul to B2R resources aims to β€˜bring life’ to heathcare.

Back to Roots have found themselves looking back at the past with evidence based research. We asked ourselves… β€œhow far back can we go?”

Our aim was to challenge the status’s quo through illustrated resources which explained complex healthcare topics with engaging, story driven resources. Students, Coaches & Clinicians in the health care industry would use these resources to explain difficult subjects to their patients. With the brand being β€œBack to Roots” how far back can you take mankind than the Stone Age? Taking inspiration from early cave paintings, we took healthcare back to it’s roots.


Green Wellies Publishing


Shine, Welsh Mountain Moonshine